Tutorial Videos by Dave Leesley
Here's a new concept from Dave Leesley to provide PFE tutorials in the form of a video. This is a new feature and a work-in-progress, so please be kind with your critiques! Dave will be adding to this list as and when he can. If you have any suggestions or ideas for future tutorials please email us HERE - tutorials@oncourse-software.co.ukRebuilding the PFE DatabaseCreating a Basic PFE ADV Flight File SIDs and STARs for Advanced users
Product Features
1st March 2024 PF3 version 3.22.0
Latest (Free) update for PF3 - ATC at its best, for use with FS9/FSX/P3D, MSFS and XPlane. Use it alongside FDC for the ultimate flight experience.
11th April 2023 FDC version 3.14
After more than 20 years of service to nearly 30,000 users we have finally retired FDC. Support for FDC continues .