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PF3 - ATC at its BEST    The all NEW standalone ATC program from OnCourse Software, compatible with FS9-FSX-P3D-MSFS is available NOW !!



FDC Frequently Asked Questions ? 

Try our FAQ search!


Q: My checklists are running very, very slow

A: Please go to Options / Select Aircraft and then set the 'Delay between call and response' to ZERO, or adjust it to your liking. By default this is set to 0.25 seconds but if your regional settings do not recognise the decimal point as a numeric separator it could be setting this delay as 25 seconds !


Q: Using the 737-800 in FSX I no longer can get FDC to set the A/T, FD or AP,

A: Go to FDC's Performance File Editor and choose Edit then select the 737-800 Performance File. On the first page ensure the AutoPilot Type is set to MS and not third party.


Q: I have the latest version of FDC and FSX but when I try to connect I get the following message - "IPC request contains bad data - check FSUIPC version"...

A: This is not actually an FDC issue but you do need a correctly installed copy of FSUIPC to use FDC. The first thing to do is to download and install the latest version of FSUIPC from here. FSUIPC is FREE and you do not need to register it for use with FDC. If you are still having problems then you could try the registry fix found at this link which has cured the problem for some users. Failing this please post on our support forum and we will do our best to help or direct you to Pete Dowsons forum for further assistance.


Q: I have FDC version 1.0 on CD, how do I update it to the latest version?

A: There are two answers here. (1) If you want to update to FDC Live Cockpit you have to purchase it as there is no upgrade path available. (2) If you want to update your version 1.0 CD to the last update for that release you must first download and install the accumulative update 1.6 from here. After that you need to download and install version 1.7 from here. Please do read all the documentation that comes with each update, in particular the version history. Please also note version 1+ is no longer supported.


Q: FDC's menu display suddenly changed from English to German. How do I get it back to English again?

A: Move your mouse pointer down to just below the top left-hand '?' (help) icon until the pointer changes to a hand symbol... then click the left mouse button.


Q: FDC's menu display suddenly changed from German to English. How do I get it back to German again?

A: Move your mouse pointer down to just below the top right-hand '-' (minimise) icon until the pointer changes to a hand symbol... then click the left mouse button.


Q: After installing FDC for FS2004/FSX I can't find the FDC Introductory Flight situations.

A: These can be downloaded and installed manually for FS2004 Here Or for FSX Here Please read the included ReadMeFirst.Txt file for installation instructions.

Q: Checklists are playing very, very slowly, with long pauses between each call.

A: Please try reducing your hardware acceleration:- From Control Panel select Sound and Audio Devices then select Audio\Advanced\Performance. Finally move the Hardware Acceleration slider one notch to the left and try FDC again. Should you still experience the same problem repeat these steps and move the slider one more notch to the left until you obtain the desired effect.

Q: When using FDC with FS2004 I get a Error 0 - in 'ReadFSData' routine when I try to 'connect' to FS.

A: Unfortunately the FDC Kneeboard feature does not work with FS2004. To turn this feature off please go to the FDC Misc Options page and Uncheck the Send checklist to Kneeboard option.

Q: After installing FDC from the original CD (version 1.0) for FS2004 I can't find the FDC Introductory Flight situations.

A: These can be downloaded and installed manually from Here Please read the included ReadMeFirst.Txt file for installation instructions.

Q: After installing FDC from the original CD (version 1.0) for FS2004 I get an error message about checking FSUIPC for version 3.5 or later. What does this mean?

A: FSUIPC will not be installed to FS2004 and you will need to download the latest version from Here

Q: I've installed the latest FDC update but it just doesn't work. What now?

A: We get numerous emails from users who cannot get FDC to work following the installation of one of our updates. This is mainly due to the update not being installed correctly! All FDC updates must be installed into the main FDC folder (where you chose to install it originally). Should you experience such a problem please check to see how many versions of FDC you have installed and in particular check to see if you now have an FDC folder inside the main FDC folder... which is obviously incorrect and the reason FDC will not work! Once installed correctly you will see the new version number displayed on the main menu screen.

Q: Since updating to FDC version 1.5 I can't get FDC to connect when using some third party aircraft and I get an error message about 'ReadAircraftSettings'. What can I do?

A: This issue affected certain Window's Regional Setting configurations and has since been addressed in version 1.5.4 If you're not already running version 1.5.4 (or later) please go to our Downloads section (see link at top-left of this page) and download the latest version of FDC

Q: After connecting to FS I get a "2147467259" error message

A: Try reinstalling FDC.

Q: I keep getting a 'FS does not match the one selected in FDC' error message.

A: This will happen is using in incorrectly configured performance file, or the one you've created has not been configured correctly. This will be due to the flap settings section. If your panel shows 5 flap positions the performance file must also have 5 positions set. The exact positions do not have to match but the total number of détentes do!

Q: I get the following error message during installation:- "The OLE files are in use and cannot be updated. This installation will restart windows to update OLE. You must re-run this application after windows restarts to complete the installation". I restart but get the same message again!

A: This can occur for some users of Windows ME or Windows 2000. All you have to do is start the install process again, but when you get to the options page, just DESELECT the VB6 Runtimes option and the installation will then continue.

Q: The 'Prepare for Takeoff' hotkey (Ctrl+W) doesn't work!

A: This has caused some confusion in most quarters and the blame for that rests with me entirely. The user guide, by the way, is correct and the key sequence should be Ctrl+W. Now, this is a dual purpose key and once in the air the Ctrl+W hotkey initiates your turbulence warning message (if implemented). The problem was caused by me tweaking the settings just prior to going Gold and I set this key incorrectly to Ctrl+Shift+W. But, if you hit the Reset Default key, like some uses have, it resets it correctly to Ctrl+W, hence we had total confusion with the manual saying one thing and yet two seemingly correct hotkey sequences working. So, the easy solution, go to the hotkey options setting and hit the Reset Defaults button. Then the manual and hotkey will be in sync.

Q: The flight map shown for the Quick Start flight #5 is incorrectly showing the map for flight #4

A: Yep, you're right. Sorry about that!

Q: I recorded my own voice set for use in FDC but keep getting some 'file not found' errors

A: Please download this small utility:- 'rename_check_files' Unzip it into your FDC\Wav folder and then run it. It doesn't show any nice pictures or give any messages at all. Once the hourglass disappears you'll know it's done and your voice set will be updated correctly and should work without further problems.

Q: I can't get the 'Climb Thrust' call to work

A: This issue was been addressed in version 1.5.4. If you're not running 1.5.4 (or later) please go to our Downloads section (see the link at the top-left of this page) and download the latest version of FDC


Product Features

 Latest Releases

1st March 2024

PF3 version 3.22.0


Latest (Free) update for PF3 - ATC at its best, for use with FS9/FSX/P3D, MSFS and XPlane. Use it alongside FDC for the ultimate flight experience.


11th April 2023

FDC version 3.14


After more than 20 years of service to nearly 30,000 users we have finally retired FDC. Support for FDC continues .