PF3 - Try before your buy !
Try Before You Buy
Yes that's right, OnCourse Software are pleased to offer a DEMO version
of PF3 to give you a taste of what you're missing !
The free downloadable DEMO version of PF3 is fully functional,
with only a few limitations, and should allow you to evaluate the program to
see if it suits your particular needs. Please feel free to ask any questions
you might have on our dedicated support forum.
The DEMO version of PF3 comes with just 4 voice sets plus 1 ATIS
set (the full version has 119 voice sets plus 4 ATIS voices). These are pre-set in the
DEMO and
unchangeable. One will be set to your Pilot's voice, one will be used for
ALL AI aircraft pilots, and the remaining two for controllers... the two
controller sets will alternate each time you switch ATC facilities.
Flight plans will be limited to a maximum journey distance of 200 miles
The DEMO version of PF3 will pause and place FS into Pause mode
every 15 minutes. To continue with your flight you will have to 'OK' the
displayed PF3 message.
Please enter the following information to
request your trial version